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From February 13 to 24, 2023, María Ángeles Llopis Nebot will accompany us within the framework of the Drac PDI scholarship to learn about and share our projects and lines of research, as well as to exchange knowledge regarding the teaching methodology of the subjects taught in the Rovira i Virgili University of Tarragona (URV) and the Jaume I University of Castelló (UJI).

Mª Ángeles Llopis Nebot is an educator and psychologist. She currently works as a PhD assistant in the area of Didactics and School Organization in the Department of Pedagogy, Social Sciences, Language and Literature, teaching the subject of Information Technology and Communication in Education. She is a researcher in the Teaching, Learning and Technology Group (GREAT) and her lines of research are in the field of educational technology, digital competence and the design and evaluation of digital tools and resources.

Since the ARGET (URV) and GREAT (UJI) research groups collaborate very satisfactorily, M. Ángeles visits us in person to exchange knowledge about research and teaching and to initiate future lines of joint work.

Her academic profiles can be consulted at the following links:



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