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MEDI-TED: Materiales Educativos Digitales Inclusivos para el Trabajo Escolar a Distancia

MEDI-TED: Materiales Educativos Digitales Inclusivos para el Trabajo Escolar a Distancia

2020 - 2021

The impact of digital technologies (DT) on society affects education to the extent that the school system must train citizens to be active, critical and participatory while learning throughout life. Changing and complex educational contexts, and increasingly digitized, are shaped by different elements and agents that must be interconnected in order to face the challenges of a digital society. In this context, teachers have unequally assumed the challenge posed by the digitization of teaching processes and have incorporated DT into their professional activity. This situation has been evidenced in a supervening way from the recent global crisis caused by forced confinement due to the COVID-19 coronavirus. The measures adopted by the educational administrations to compensate for the effects of the pandemic, and the realization of these in higher education institutions, are scarce and highlight the weaknesses of a training system poorly prepared to take on the challenges of digitization of the education.

The general purpose of this project is to improve the initial training of future teachers through the use of a collaborative experience aimed at creating inclusive digital educational materials between the university and educational centers. The use of DT in the classrooms implies the use of new resources and technological applications that educational centers can detect as a necessity to deal with non-face-to-face activity that allows serving all students. Faced with this, future teachers can contribute the knowledge acquired in the classrooms and put it into action, collaborating with practicing teachers to develop and implement materials tailored to their needs.

In the first place, educational centers offer a real setting for teaching-learning and research. Second, the university collaborates in the design and development of innovative digital teaching materials and resources, in accordance with the needs expressed by each school.

Improving the quality of training for future teachers, in accordance with the latest government reports and scientific literature, implies offering more practical and participatory training. Linking, through this training experience, theoretical and practical knowledge becomes a challenge but at the same time a key and necessary element to train teachers.


Name Institution
Jose Luis Lázaro Cantabrana Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Mercè Gisbert Cervera Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Tania Molero Aranda Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Mònica Sanromà Giménez Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Tàrek Lutfi Gilabert Universitat Rovira i Virgili
ESC Torreforta Dept. d'Educació
ESC Dr. Alberich i Casas Dept. d'Educació
ESC Tarragona Dept. d'Educació
ESC Marià Fortuny Dept. d'Educació
ESC L'Arrabassada Dept. d'Educació

Support programs

General Objective (OG):

Prepare teaching materials to support face-to-face activity to work remotely within the framework of an inclusive school. 

Specific Objectives (SO):

SO1: Develop the Digital Teaching Competence (CDD) of future teachers from the design of didactic proposals and the development of didactic materials that take into account the principles of Universal Design for Learning (DUA).

SO2: Developing digital educational materials that allow complementing face-to-face work with activitites that can be carried out remotely. 

SO3: Use a Service Learning experience (LS) that can be transferred to other training strategies of the education degrees. 

During the development of this project, didactic materials derived from the detection of real needs of the educational centers will be generated. These materials will be elaborated in a collaborative way between the educational centers (coordinators) and the students of the education degrees (pedagogy and double degree of primary and early childhood).

The materials, in addition to responding and adapting to the uniqueness of a context of diversity, will incorporate the principles of the DUA in a way that will allow more inclusive educational interventions. 

The tasks that are going to be carried out with the project, given the nature of inter-institutional collaboration of this, are presented organized according to the institution that each one of them assume.

Conference papers:

  • Lázaro-Cantabrana, J.L., Molero-Aranda, T., Sanromà-Gimenéz, M., Gisbert-Cervera, M., y Lutfi-Gilabert, T. (29-02 de julio de 2021). El aprendizaje-servicio como estrategia de formación inicial en competencias de los futuros maestros. [Presentación oral]. XI Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación (CIDUI 2020+1). Barcelona, Espanya.