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We present les publications by ARGET research group (Applied Research Group of Educational Technology) and other publications in ehich we have participated in:
Moocs en cataluña: un instrumento para la innovación en educación superior
La educación escolar y familiar en las TIC: riesgos, oportunidades y uso inteligente
El estudiante en la educación superior: Usos académicos y sociales de la tecnología digital
Digital Competence in the Knowledge Society
El mobile learning i la innovació en educació: una oportunitat de canvi en un món més mòbil que mai
Mobile learning no és només aprenentatge
Aprenentatge mòbil. Com incorporar els dispositius mòbils a l’aprenentatge?
The educational landscape of the digital age: Communication practices pushing (us) forward
Teacher training: technology helping to develop an innovative and reflective professional profile
Inclusion and Social Cohesion in a Digital Society
Ethics and Education in the Digital Age: Global Perspectives and Strategies for Local Transformation in Catalonia
Recent Developments in Technology-Enhanced Learning: A Critical Assessment
New learning scenarios for the 21st century related to Education, Culture and Technology
Education and technology: new learning environments from a transformative perspective
Teaching and Learning in Digital Worlds: Strategies and Issues in Higher Education
El desarrollo de la competencia digital docente a partir de una experiencia piloto de formación en alternancia en el Grado de Educación
Early Childhood Student Teachers’ Observation and Experimentation of Creative Practices as a Design Processes
  • de Oliveira, J., & Gallardo-Echenique, E. (2015). Early Childhood Student Teachers’ Observation and Experimentation of Creative Practices as a Design Processes. Journal Of New Approaches In Educational Research, 4(2), 77-83.

  • Link: http://naerjournal.ua.es/article/view/v4n2-2
Professional development in teacher digital competence and improving school quality from the teachers’ perspective: a case study
  • Gisbert, M., & Lázaro, J.L. (2015). Professional development in teacher digital competence and improving school quality from the teachers’ perspective: a case study. Journal Of New Approaches In Educational Research, 4(2), 115-122.

  • Link: http://naerjournal.ua.es/article/view/v4n2-7
Learning language or not learning language. The acquisition of the communicative competence in secondary education in a highly technological environment. A study from Catalonia (Spain)
El futuro de los MOOC: ¿aprendizaje adaptativo o modelo de negocio?
The Impact of Culture on Instructional Design and Quality
Grado de alfabetización informacional del profesorado de Secundaria en España: Creencias y autopercepciones [Information Literacy Grade of Secondary School Teachers in Spain - Beliefs and Self-Perceptions]
Elaboració d’una rúbrica per avaluar la competència digital del docent
Flipped classroom en la Educación Física. Una experiencia en ciclo superior de Primaria
Ventajas y desventajas de la aplicación del flipped classroom
Las flipped classrooms y la teoría de las inteligencias múltiples de Gardner
El profesorado universitario y el uso de Entornos virtuales de aprendizaje
Let’s talk about digital learners in the digital era
  • Gallardo-Echenique, E. E., Marqués-Molías, L., Bullen, M., & Strijbos, J. W. (2015). Let’s talk about digital learners in the digital era. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning16(3).

  • Link: http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/2196
Triangulação metodológica para definir perfis educacional EVAs
Using the e-portfolio for large groups of students
  • García Planas, M. I., Taberna Torres, J., Domínguez García, S., & Palau, R. (2015). Using the e-portfolio for large groups of students. In INTED2015 Proceedings (pp. 1352-1360). International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED).

  • Link: http://upcommons.upc.edu/handle/2117/28384
Evaluating an E-portfolio for a linear algebra course using rubrics. InINTED2015 Proceedings
  • García Planas, M. I., Taberna Torres, J., Domínguez García, S., & Palau, R. (2015). Evaluating an E-portfolio for a linear algebra course using rubrics. InINTED2015 Proceedings (pp. 1366-1372). International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED). 

  • Link: http://upcommons.upc.edu/handle/2117/28385
Modelling E-portfolio for a Linear Algebra undergraduate course
Yo, mis alumnos y la flipped classroom
Experiencia sobre la implementación de cursos de Matemáticas en Moodle