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COMDID: Formative strategy for the development of digital teacher competence.

COMDID: Formative strategy for the development of digital teacher competence.

Ref. 2014 ARMIF 00039

2014 - 2016

The training of future teachers has to find the balance between theoretical and practical training, trying to make the latter as close as possible to the reality they will find in schools, a blow to begin their career. This reality is understood as a complex and changing context on which to investigate to transform the practice from a critical and reflective analysis that favors constant innovation and improvement. The collaborative work between university faculty and teachers who carry out their professional activity in primary and secondary schools is an ideal combination to enhance work by competencies and their development, while facilitating the creation of knowledge linked to practice Of future teachers. Being able to work the theory with simulations of real educational scenarios will favor excellence in the initial dual teacher training process.


Name Institution
Mercè Gisbert Cervera Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Mar Camacho Martí Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Francesc Marc Esteve Mon Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Juan González Martínez Universitat Rovira i Virgili
José Luis Lázaro Cantabrana Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Janaina M. de Oliveira Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Teresa Sancho Vinuesa Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Héctor Viñas Sauch Departament d'Ensenyament

Support programs


General objective:

To design and develop a formative and evaluation strategy based on the simulation of real contexts and situations, to favor the development of the DDC in the double degree students of the masters degree.

Specific objectives:

O.1. Define and develop a strategy of permanent collaboration between the university and primary and secondary education centers for the improvement of the training of students with double degree of teachers (double degree and elementary) in CDD.

O.2. Incorporate the simulation of real scenarios of teaching-learning situations using ICTs and using problem-solving strategies and cases to develop.

O.3. Define a tool and strategy for collecting evidence of CDD development during student stays in schools to incorporate student stays into school (pràcticum).

O.4. Develop a strategy to systematize the CDD assessment process during initial training (both university and school).

The methodology selected for the present project, for its suitability and convenience, is Educational Design Research (EDR) or research based on Educational Design. This is understood as a systematic process of analysis, design, development and evaluation of an intervention (a training program, a product or a process) as a solution to a complex educational problem. It is necessary to overcome the practical deficit of research in educational technology, considering it more as a process than as a tool, and approaching its complexity from a systematic view and from the collaboration, generating values ​​that guide its use for professionals. We consider the EDR as a mixed and dynamic methodology, in which there are decisions already taken and others that are generated throughout the process. This justifies that there are methodological concretions that can not be decided and made explicit a priori. The EDR is not something between that qualitative and that quantitative and can not be defined by the methods used, but by the objective pursued: development of innovation grounded.

  • Lázaro, J.L. & Cervera, M. G. (2015). El desarrollo de la competencia digital docente a partir de una experiencia piloto de formación en alternancia en el Grado de Educación. Educar, 51 (2), 321-348.
  • Lázaro, J.L. & Cervera, M. G. (2015). Elaboració d’una rúbrica per avaluar la competència digital del docent. Universitas Tarraconensis. Revista de Ciències de l’Educació1(1), 48-63.
  • Lázaro, J.L. & Gisbert, M. (2015, Maig). Rúbrica per l’avaluació de la competència digital docent. Retrived from: http://www.slideshare.net/lateurv/rubrica-cd
  • Lázaro, J.L., Gisbert, M. & Palau, R. (2016) La Formación en Competencia Digital de los docentes mediante una estrategia de colaboración entre instituciones. EDO, Barcelona, Espanya.
  • Lázaro, J.L.;  González, J.; Camacho, M.; Gisbert, M.(2014) La formación inicial y permanente en competencia digital del profesorado: una experiencia de colaboración interinstitucional. XVII Congreso Internacional EDUTEC: El Hoy y el mañana junto a las TIC, Córdoba, Espanya.
  • Lázaro, JL.; Gisbert Cervera, M.; Palau, R. & Esteve-González, V.(2016) Una estratègia per a la formació i avaluació de la competència digital dels docents. Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació. Barcelona, Espanya.