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CREDEFIS:  Virtual Resource Center for Quality Teaching in Physical Education.

CREDEFIS: Virtual Resource Center for Quality Teaching in Physical Education.


2004 - 2002

At present there is a large number of web portals, where each one has specialized in some specific task: the distribution of free software, to be a meeting point for all kinds of users, etc. The Virtual Resource Center (CVR) is a web portal and was designed, in its first version, by Juan Francisco Cabrera Ramos, doctoral student at the Advanced Education Reference Center of the "Jose Antonio Echeverria Institute" in Havana, Cuba. Allow sharing different resources, digital or distributed over the Internet, all linked together under one axis. In addition, users who want to participate could not do so completely free, but should be subscribed to the CVR under a role, where it would identify the level of accessibility, and therefore, what actions could perform. Performance differs from most existing tools and portals, such as BSCW (a tool that allows group work over the Internet or local network). The BSCW also requires users to be registered - without any type of role, except the administrator, of course - and where resources are deposited in a number of folders where other users can also access, if so set. The CVR, on the other hand, presents all the resources under the same bag and are extracted from it according to the express instructions of the user. That is to say, each resource will be qualified under a series of concepts when incorporating it to the CVR so that, a posteriori, the rest of users can find it if they have specified some concept that describes the same resource. The CVR not only provides this resource management tool, but also provides a series of tools and functionalities for coordination and communication between different users.


Name Institution
Mercè Gisbert Cervera Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Joaquín Galea Castaño Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Tàrek Lutfi Gilabert Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Andreu Martí Aguilar Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Luís Marqués Molias Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Saturnino Gimeno Martín Universitat Rovira i Virgili
José Maria Cela Ranilla Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Oleguer Camerino Foguet Universitat de Lleida
Pedro García López Universitat Rovira i Virgili

General objective:

To design, create and develop an Interuniversity Virtual Resource Center, based on network technologies, that enhances the teaching of quality in Physical Education, so that it becomes a reference space for cooperation between teachers and students of Physical Education of the Catalan universities.

Specific objectives:

AXIS 1: Design, development and implementation of the CRV.

O1: Design, create and develop an interuniversity Virtual Resource Center to promote quality teaching in the area of ​​Physical Education, transferable to other areas of knowledge.

O2: To foster the development of a culture based on collaboration and exchange of resources as key elements to enhance the quality of university teaching and autonomous learning of university students in the field of Physical Education.

O3: Define, elaborate and implement mechanisms, strategies and instruments to evaluate and analyze the use of a Virtual Resource Center as an element of support to the teaching-learning processes developed at university level.

AXIS 2: Curriculum integration of the CRV. (Design, implement and evaluate a training action based on the use of CRV)

O4: To design, implement and evaluate a methodology of collaborative work in a technological environment, both at teacher and student level, aimed at enhancing the active involvement of students in the teaching-learning process, through the use of telematic tools

O5: To design, develop and evaluate a formative action integrated in the development of university subjects, oriented to the training of students in and for the use of a Virtual Resource Center as a tool to support self-learning and collaborative work in technological environments.

O6: Design and produce contents, resources, services and spaces of quality self-training in the field of university in relation to Physical Education.

O7: To promote the creation and development of interuniversity virtual communities, structured according to their affinity with a specific area of ​​knowledge or subject and aimed at enhancing communication and the exchange of experiences and the generation of knowledge in the field of Physical Education .

O8: Define and define future lines of research aimed at enhancing the use of the Virtual Resource Center in the teaching-learning processes developed in the university field.

In order to collect data from the teaching innovation experience, an action-research and participatory methodology has been applied. This methodology according to Kemmis and Mctagart (1988: 42):

"... is a form of self-reflexive research carried out by participants in social (including educational) situations to perfect the logic and equity of:

A) the social or educational practices in which these practices are carried out

B) the understanding of these practices

C) the situations in which these practices are carried out "

The team has developed a telematic curriculum innovation tool (CRV) that has been applied to two groups of university students, in order to verify the results and generate an improvement plan at the curricular level. This tool presents us as the achievement of the expected results, the achievement of the intended objectives and the efficient profitability of the innovation project.


  • LUTFI, T. I GISBERT, M. (2003) Centros de Recursos Virtuales para el aprendizaje. Comunicación y Pedagogía. Nº 190. Pp.9-10. ISSN: 1136-7733.
  • LUTFI, T. (2004) CREDEFÍS: Centre de REcursos virtual per a la Docència de qualitat en Educació FÍSica. Comunicació presentada a ED-MEDIA: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications. June. Lugano, Switzerland.
  • MARQUÉS, L.; GIMENO, S. I LUTFI, T. (2004). CREDEFíS: Un centro de recursos virtual para la Docencia Universitaria en Educación Física. Comunicació presentada al CIDUI: Congrés Interuniversitari de Docència Universitària i Innovació.
