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On February 10, 2023, the Faculty of Nursing of the Catalonia Campus of the Rovira i Virgili University (URV) hosted the Multiplier Event of the Envision Project (European Network of Virtual Simulation Online) that is part of the Erasmus+ program. The universities of Slovenia, Belgium, Finland and Canada have also collaborated on this project.

More than a hundred people participated in this journey: professionals from the socio-sanitary field, higher education teachers, and nursing students, among others.

The second virtual simulation called "Caring off duty" focused on a pediatric emergency case was presented. This has been created and developed by the Caring Advanced Nursing research group and ARGET (Applied Research Group in Education and Technology) both from the URV.

It was also an opportunity to play the first virtual simulation (VS) "Hello, you must be Flo" (home health care), as well as to evaluate the usability of the VS didactic guide and to collect ideas and valuable reflections for improvements in the project.

News compilation: