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Network for the impulse of the digital URV. An action strategy for the development of training in digital contexts.

Network for the impulse of the digital URV. An action strategy for the development of training in digital contexts.

2019 - 2019

From the classrooms to the digital spaces for learning. Defining ecosystems for learning.

The use of technological environments, in general, can be considered from two approaches: one associated with the incorporation, use and generalization of virtual environments in higher education organizations associated with the use of a LMS (Learning Management Systems ) and another oriented to offer different resources and solutions, focusing on the "environment-subject" (Bartholomew, 2008).

It is from this second approach from which to address training for the development of competences in conjunction with the management of institutional resources from where we have defined the objectives of this network that is framed in three of the axes of the call: the digital profile, the innovation and the transversality.


Training by competencies. The Nuclear Curriculum of the URV.

From the perspective of permanent social change and also permanent technology, the European Commission published in 2016 the "New Agenda for Key Competences" for Europe. This agenda explains the need to pay more attention to the development of key competences by adding other more complex ones in this edition. It raises the acquisition of these competences from the point of view of formal education, conferring on it the responsibility to ensure in the students the training to:

  • Personal fulfillment and development
  • Social inclusion
  • Citizenship
  • The occupation

Recognizes how transversal competences and key competences:

  • Digital competencies
  • The entrepreneurial spirit
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem solving
  • Learning to learn

From the theoretical and conceptual point of view, in the specific case of the URV, we have taken into account two areas: the normative and international reference framework that has its origin, in an important part, in the process of adaptation of the URV at the beginning of Bologna. On the other hand, we have also taken into account the main indicators that must be taken into account for the digitization of teaching in the university from a triple perspective: the teacher, the student and the necessary resources .

1. Make a diagnosis of the teaching digital competence level (CDD) of the teaching staff in order to define a plan of training and action that is oriented towards weaknesses and that take advantage of the strengths of the teaching community.

1.1. Define the CDD level of URV teachers.

1.2. To define, from the diagnosis, a plan and a training strategy aimed at the development of the CDD of the URV professors.


2. To make a diagnosis of the digital competence level (CD) of students accessing the university to be able to design a strategy for accompanying the virtual student.

2.1. Define the CD level of the students of the URV at the time of access to the university.

2.2. Define, based on the diagnosis, a plan and strategy for accompanying the virtual student aimed at ensuring their academic success in non-contact environments.


3. Analyze the resources available to the URV to be able to articulate specific actions for non-contact training in digital contexts.

3.1. Make an inventory of all the resources available to the URV for the digitization of the training process.

3.2. Define the structure of a guide (one for the teacher and one for the student) for the profitability of existing resources.

In order to achieve the goals set by the network, a descriptive methodology will be applied that will allow us to have a proven view of reality.

a) Instruments and tools for collecting data

The tools and tools for data collection that will be used to collect data (both qualitative and quantitative) are:

  • Questionnaires:
    • INCOTIC: Inventory for the assessment of the self-perception of the ICT competencies of university students.
    • COMDID: Questionnaire for the evaluation of the self-perception of digital teaching competence.
  • Quality indicators of virtual teaching to evaluate the resources of the institution oriented to the process of digitization of teaching.
  • Focus Group: composed of: teaching staff, students and PAS in order to be able to contrast the results and proposals that are being defined.
  • Delphi Technique: in order to be able to value and prioritize all the proposals through a 2 iterations process before reaching the final proposal.

b) Sample.

With regard to the sample under study, we will use a probabilistic or random sampling technique that will guarantee that its representativeness is the highest (adjusting the sample error and the level of confidence in this regard).