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2023 - 2023

In recent years, there has been growing interest in the digitization of heritage as a research support tool. This is because digitization helps to value heritage and make it more accessible to the entire society, on the one hand, to the specialized public, such as researchers and/or students, and on the other, to the general public or amateurs who are interested in the subject. in question.

Although cultural heritage has great importance in the development of society, sometimes it is not given the value it deserves. On many occasions, its full potential is not taken advantage of, taking into account that it contributes to the education of citizens, creates territorial ties and improves the professional development of citizens. Therefore we find ourselves in a scenario where the preservation and conservation of cultural heritage is a key issue for the future of society.

With the increasing pace of globalization and the consequent exposure to different cultures, it is important to protect and promote traditional culture and its associated heritage. Music is also part of this traditional culture and therefore it is important to recover our musical heritage to understand history, culture and ultimately to understand society. In addition, it provides a connection with the past that at the same time connects with future generations. Traditional music often contains stories and historical information not found in other sources.

In this project we will focus on music aside. When we talk about band music in Catalonia, it is in the Terres de l'Ebre where there are the greatest number of band formations and musicians, both professional and amateur. Specifically, there are 13 bands in the Montsià region alone.

The musical societies to which these bands belong are of great importance since they are responsible for adapting, transforming, recreating and keeping musical heritage alive. Its social constitution and its musical repertoire are the link that unites the different generations and creates its cultural identity. At the same time, all music bands have their Music School, which is responsible for training future musicians who will make up the musical groups and some of them will choose music as a profession.

All this tradition of music aside has encouraged, for several generations, the emergence of relevant figures in the world of the music band, such as Maestro Esteller, Maestro Simó Arasa and Maestro Amela Guillot of whom there is a documentary fund (preserved by the families) that is now not accessible and that would be helpful to researchers.

This project is a joint proposal between the Center for Seniencos Studies (CES), the Senienca Musical Group (AMS) and the ARGET Research group of the URV, which is leading the project. These three institutions have extensive experience collaborating with other projects.


Name Institution
Mercè Gisbert Cervera Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Ramon Palau Martín Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Vanessa Esteve González Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Lluís Miró Agrupació Musical Senienca
Anna Bellaubí Centre d’Estudis Seniencs

Support programs

Institut Ramon Muntaner
  • Design and develop an open digital space aimed at scholars of banda music, and the general public, to make figures of banda music from Terres de l'Ebre visible.
  • Search, digitize and study the documentary collections of the teachers and composers Esteller, Amela and Arasa - Create the life stories of the three teachers and composers.
  • Create a methodology to make likenesses of relevant music figures in the Ebro regions as the basis of a digital study center.
  • Link this project with the project of the Music Festival in Terres de Cruïlla as the beginning of the study space and documentation center - DOCUBAN.
  • Analyze and classify the works of composers at a formal and instrumentation level.

To carry out this project we will focus on 4 methodological strategies

  1. Analysis and digitization of the handwritten documentation from the collection of the Agrupació Musical Senienca. With this procedure, both the original scores of the composers and all the documentation that is necessary for the investigation will be taken into consideration. (Led by the URV and the AMS)
  2. Analysis of the trajectory (musical and social) of the master conductors using the life story technique, through interviews of direct testimonies, old press, study of the documentary collection, among others. (Led by CES)
  3. Design and development of an open database accessible to the entire community. (Led by the URV).
  4. Study and formal analysis of the original works of composers to understand the musical influences and instruments used during the composer's contemporary era. (Led by the AMS)